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Somatic Korea Co., Ltd.


All humans want to lead a healthy and happy life. However, they have to wage war against time. Their lives are shortened due to diseases, stress, environmental pollution, and disasters. They are trying to find a solution through exercise, healthful foodstuffs, and leisure activities in order to overcome such elements. What would be words that first come to one's mind when they think of wellness? According to a report prepared by a marketing professor of Yeonsei University in Korea, people mentioned exercise as the word that comes first to their mind with respect to wellness. (A book entitled "Consumer Wellbeing Marketing", written by Lee, Dong-Jin in 2007, listed, on page 37, exercise (14%), relaxation and peace of mind (14%), organic food (12%), self-satisfaction (10%), and spiritual value (7%), among other things. Due to ignorance about exercise (including wrong information on it and practices without skilled training experts), people would feel rather uncomfortable in their daily routine because an exercise they take on for their health is not fit for their physical conditions or it often leads to injury. Let's find what are the causes of diseases our contemporaries suffer most and what exercise they can take to cope with them. Social phenomena and causes with respect to diseases Social issues and statistics with respect to exercise  

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